The feeling of home is an intimate relationship we have with the personal space we live in. Custom Home Designs Victoria gives the finest look to your homes. Home is comfort. Home is inviting. Home is Refuge from the world. Designs will help you to improve your mood. An area that’s not always taken into consideration is the philological effect of interior design on your subconscious; believe it or not, the choices that you make when deciding how your home will look have a documented effect on your emotions and perceptions. The colour of the walls in your kitchen might be contributing to your anxiety, your brand of couch could lead others to assume that you’re standoffish, your home is giving off the right impression it is no surprise that colour is the main component of how we experience the world around us But, what may be surprising to some is the fact that that the colours in our environment have a definitive effect on or moods and emotions. Modern colour psychology dates its origins to the early 19th-century when Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published his book, Theory of Colours. Colours play an important role in your mood swings and while designing we keep this thing in min.